Disputationer 2004
Marcus Glader
Innovation Markets and Competition Analysis
- EU competition law and US antitrust law
Datum för disputation: lördagen den 11 december 2004
Fakultetsopponent: senior visiting research fellow John Temple, Oxford universitet, England
Ämne: civilrätt
Innovation issues are increasingly highlighted in public policy, including competition policy. Not only is innovation a major factor behind economic growth in society, it is also increasingly shaping market conditions and affecting market participants’ behaviour. It therefore in various ways influences the legal analysis of markets and market practices.
This dissertation examines the legal standards for the protection of competition in the innovation process in European competition law and American antitrust law. The legal frameworks are evaluated with regard to their underlying economic rationale. At the centre of the study is the innovation market concept. This concept entails the delineation, for purposes of antitrust analysis, of an upstream market for competing R&D. The innovation market analysis and its relationship to other tools for analysing the innovation process are investigated. Questions of market definition, the assessment of innovation competition in defined markets, the role of efficiencies in the appraisal of transactions and possible remedies to alleviate anticompetitive effects are explored.
For this purpose a range of case law is reviewed which assesses whether a transaction or unilateral conduct would limit market participants’ incentives and abilities for continued innovation and future competition. Such analysis may be conducted at various levels. It may be part of assessing actual and potential competition in relation to existing product or technology markets. When existing markets do not adequately frame the analysis, e.g. where the relevant R&D is expected to result in radical innovation, the innovation market concept itself delimits the relevant market. Sometimes, a more general innovation analysis is conducted, based on a more broadly defined innovation market that is not confined to the development of specific future products or technologies.
A variety of competitive effects can be appraised through a properly executed analysis of the competitive conditions in the innovation process. Identifying innovating firms and analysing their R&D-related assets and capabilities, undertaken R&D projects and the effects of entry barriers, may be key to drawing prospective conclusions – whether the primary effect relates to product innovation, variety or price. The constituent elements of a policy for conducting this kind of analysis are presented, summarising the conclusions and recommendations derived from the study.

Sacharias Votinius
Varandra som vänner och fiender
En idékritisk undersökning om kontraktet och dess grund
Datum för disputation: fredagen den 19 november 2004
Fakultetsopponent: professor Thomas Wilhelmsson, Helsingfors universitet, Finland
Ämne: allmän rättslära
Den här boken handlar om ömsesidighet i sociala relationer – om vänskap. Den handlar också om de moraliska och rättsliga normer och föreställningar som istället främjar ensidiga, eller till och med direkt fientliga, relationer. Arbetet utgår från vissa centrala punkter i den aristoteliska etiken. Undersökningen kretsar kring de värden som konstituerar den sociala relationen vänskap, och den centrala frågan gäller vilken betydelse dessa värden skall tillmätas i kontraktuella relationer. Denna fråga ådagalägger en konflikt som ytterst står mellan två olika synsätt på människan och hennes relationer, och som kommer till utttryck bland annat i uppfattningar om vilka principer som bör ligga till grund för rättsordningens innehåll. I detta arbete fokuseras framför allt det rättsliga innehållet i den relation som manifesteras i kontraktet. De frågor som tas upp till behandling är dock inte endast civilrättsliga utan också såväl moraliska som politisk-filosofiska och rättsfilosofiska. I denna framställning kontrasteras det aristoteliska sättet att tänka såväl mot teorier om det civilrättsliga kontraktet som löfte som mot teorier om samhället som ett kontrakt. Författaren driver en tes om att det i kontraktets själva idé ligger att det är en social relation, där parterna är skyldiga att handla rättvist mot varandra och ömsesidigt beakta varandras intressen, utöver vad de lovat. Denna förpliktelse till ömsesidig omsorg och lojalitet kommer till uttryck i en princip som i aristotelisk begreppsbildning går under benämningen kommutativ rättvisa. Sålunda är utgångspunkten en syn där vänskapen uppfattas som kontraktets sociala förlaga och den kommutativa rättvisan som dess normativa grund. Det är denna syn på avtalet och dess innehåll som denna bok redogör för, och det är mot bakgrund av denna avtalssyn som den liberala rättstraditionens kontrakt problematiseras. Avhandlingens grundläggande frågor rör de två skilda sätten att se på kontraktet – hur dessa synsätt växt fram idéhistoriskt, hur de skiljer sig åt i fråga om underliggande samhällssyn och människosyn, och hur de påverkar den kontraktsrättsliga argumentationen.
In English
This is a book about reciprocity in social relationships – about friendship. It also deals with the moral and legal norms which, conversely, promote one-sided and even directly hostile relationships. The starting-point for this work is certain central elements in Aristotelian ethics. The study revolves around the values which constitute the social relationship of friendship and the central question concerns what importance is to be ascribed to these values in contractual relationships. It is a question which ultimately demonstrates the conflict existing between two different views of human beings and the relationships between them, a conflict which finds expression inter alia in perceptions about the principles on which the legal system should be founded. Above all, this work focuses on the juridical content of the relationship which is manifested in contracts. The questions treated do not, however, relate solely to private law but are also matters of moral philosophy, political philosophy and legal philosophy. In this presentation the Aristotelian way of thinking is contrasted both with private law theories about contract as promise and with theories of society as a contract. The author advance the thesis that the essence of the contract is that it is a social relationship in which the parties have a reciprocal obligation to treat one another justly and to protect one another’s interests that goes beyond what they have promised. This obligation of reciprocal care and loyalty is expressed in a principle which in Aristotelian concept formation is termed “commutative justice”. The point of departure is thus a view which perceives friendship as the social model for the contract and commutative justice as its normative basis. It is that view of contract and its foundation which is discussed in this book and it is against the background of that view that a critical analysis of the contract as it is understood in the liberal juridical tradition is conducted. The fundamental questions in the book concern these two distinct ways of looking at contracts – how these two views developed in the history of ideas, the distinctions between them as regards the underlying view of society and mankind and how they influence argumentation regarding contract law.

Mia Rönnmar
Arbetsledningsrätt och arbetsskyldighet
En komparativ studie av kvalitativ flexibilitet i svensk, engelsk och tysk kontext
Datum för disputation: lördagen den 30 oktober 2004
Fakultetsopponent: professor Boel Flodgren, Copenhagen Business School, Danmark
Ämne: civilrätt
Detta arbete behandlar regleringen av arbetsgivarens arbetsledningsrätt och arbetstagarens arbetsskyldighet i svensk, engelsk och tysk rätt i ljuset av arbetslivets ökade flexibilisering. Arbetslivets flexibilisering handlar om att öka anpassningsförmågan och rörligheten, och beskrivs ofta som övergången från den traditionella anställningen till atypiska anställningar. Företeelser som ökad globalisering, internationalisering, ny teknologi och framväxten av kunskapssamhället bildar bakgrunden för denna flexibiliseringsprocess. I fokus för avhandlingen står kvalitativ flexibilitet, dvs. flexibilitet inom ramen för en bestående anställning. Kvalitativ flexibilitet handlar om att variera användningen av arbetstagarna och deras arbetsuppgifter i takt med verksamhetens skiftande utseende och behov. Arbetet innehåller en komparativ och rättslig analys av arbetsgivarens arbetsledningsrätt, arbetstagarens arbetsskyldighet och omreglering av arbetsskyldigheten. I framställningen behandlas också arbetsledningsrättens framtida utveckling, och då särskilt frågan huruvida utvecklingen går mot ett mer allmänt krav på saklig grund för arbetsledningsbeslut. Angreppssättet är brett och tvärdisciplinärt, och arbetet syftar till en analys av rättens utveckling och funktionalitet i förhållande till arbetslivets flexibilisering.
In English
The general aim of this doctoral thesis is to study the legal regulation of the managerial prerogative and how it relates to the employee’s obligation to work in Swedish, English and German law in the light of the increasing flexibilisation of working life. The ongoing flexibilisation of working life is often described as an increase in adaptability and allocative flexibility, and as a shift from traditional to atypical employment. The aim of functional flexibility, which is the main focus of this study, is to vary the content of work in relation to the changing demands of production. In order to achieve functional flexibility the employer can broaden job descriptions and the obligation to work in general, and invest in training and education. This study provides a legal dogmatic and comparative description and analysis of questions regarding the employer’s right to direct and allocate work (including the employer’s right to transfer employees and assign them new and different tasks), the industrial relations model and rules regarding information, consultation and co-determination, the employee’s obligation to work and the employer’s possibilities to achieve a variation in the employee’s obligation to work. Furthermore, the development towards a more general requirement for objective grounds with regard to decision-making in the area of the direction and allocation of work is discussed. The research approach is wide and multidisciplinary, and the aim of the study is to analyse the development and functionality of the law in relation to the flexibilisation of working life.

Per Ellsberger
Om ränta och värdepappersrättsliga konflikter i pantbankernas kreditgivning
Datum för disputation: fredagen den 29 oktober 2004
Fakultetsopponent: docent Annina H. Persson, Stockholm, Sverige
Ämne: civilrätt
It is contended in this thesis that the introduction of a legal regime with a rateless structure, subject only to market forces and a rebuttable statutory presumption as to where the rate line of conscience should be drawn, can provide a solution if the rate charged by pawnbrokers is to be regulated. The thesis also shows that a uniform pawn ticket issued as a negotiable document of title, and transferable by special indorsement, can provide a solution to problems caused by current activities related to pawn ticket transactions.
After having identified the legal issues requiring attention in the introductory chapter, and after a short historical review of the development of institutional pawnshops and the nature of usury law, the thesis takes a comparative approach to the question, examining the legal protection available to consumer users of pawnshops in France, the Netherlands, Germany, England, USA, Australia, Norway, Denmark and Finland, in order to cast the divergent interests into bold relief and suggest how those interests can be reconciled. The thesis will then concentrate on the competing policy arguments for and against usury control. The parties’ needs addressed and the methods utilized by legislation to meet such needs are identified and evaluated.
The material differences distinguishing pawn tickets from other documents and instruments relating to personal property are next highlighted, and legislation with possible application to pawn tickets canvassed. The inadequacies of existing law are analysed in detail, and certain assumptions regarding the applicability of existing law are challenged. The thesis goes on to consider the question, drawing on historical and comparative experience, whether the law could be developed to control the exercise of pawn ticket functions. The findings of the study are then summarized and a series of recommendations made.

Patrik Lindskoug
Domsrätt och lagval vid elektronisk handel
Datum för disputation: fredagen den 1 oktober 2004
Fakultetsopponent: docent Michael Hellner, Justitiedepartementet, Sverige
Ämne: internationell privaträtt
Vilket lands domstolar är behöriga att lösa tvister som kan uppkomma till följd av elektroniska avtal där parterna hör hemma i olika länder? Vilket lands lag skall domstolen använda? Även om en svensk domstol är behörig är det inte säkert att den skall använda svensk lag. Dessa frågor sorterar inom ett ämnesområde som heter internationell privat- och processrätt. I avhandlingen undersöks hur internationellt privat-och processrättsliga regler skall tillämpas vid elektronisk handel och vilka problem som därvid kan uppstå.
In English
This study addresses some of the private international law perspectives on electronic commerce, namely the matters of jurisdiction and choice of law. Electronic commerce is based on the formation of contracts, and when there are contracts, questions regarding legal issues arise. A distinctive trait of electronic business is that its activities are not bound by geographic borders in a traditional sense; cross border-contracts can be entered into as easy as can “domestic” contracts. This cross-border transaction adds another element to the legal questioning involved – which court will be competent to entertain a claim that sources from an electronic contract and which country’s law will be applicable? These questions are of course not new; as long as there have been nations there have been cross-border contracts and questions of jurisdiction and choice of law have, consequently, been dealt with for many years. What complicates this situation is the fact that the existing rules, established to deal with these questions, have not been adapted to the e-commerce environment. The purpose of this study is to identify and describe the questions that arise, when the rules of private international law are applied to e-commerce. The secondary aim is to examine how the existing set of rules dealing with private international law can be interpreted and applied to contractual obligations that source from electronic contracts.

Gudrun Gauksdottir
The Right to Property and the European Convention on Human Rights
A Nordic Approach
Datum för disputation: fredagen den 10 september 2004
Fakultetsopponent: adj. professor Katarina Tomasevski, Lunds Universitet, Sverige
Ämne: folkrätt
Avhandlingen behandlar äganderättens skydd enligt Artikel 1 första tilläggsprotokollet till Europakonventionen om de mänskliga rättigheterna.
In English
The Nordic constitutions secure the right to property. A fundamental issue under the constitutional provisions guaranteeing the right to property has traditionally been how to distinguish between interference with property rights which come under their scope and those which do not and hence in principle do not enjoy any constitutional protection. This approach has its counterpart in American constitutional law and is referred to in this book as Model A.
The European Convention on Human Rights offers a somewhat different approach to this issue. Basically the Convention's property guarantee extends to all interference with property rights. Perhaps the most important feature is that the principle of proportionality applies in all such cases. This approach is similar to the approach taken in German constitutional law and is referred to as Model B.
The basic features of these approaches are described and compared. It is submitted that the Model A approach is likely to be influenced by Model B. The reasons for this are explained - the main reason being that the Nordic states are members to the European Convention on Human Rights and have incorporated the Convention into domestic law.

Ulrika Andersson
Hans (ord) eller hennes?
En könsteoretisk analys av straffrättsligt skydd mot sexuella övergrepp
Datum för disputation: onsdagen den 19 maj 2004
Fakultetsopponent: professor Johanna Niemi-Kiesiläinen, Helsingfors universitet, Finland
Ämne: straffrätt
Under de senaste åren har den rättsliga prövningen av våldtäkt och andra sexuella övergrepp utsatts för häftig kritik. Det hävdas att offret behandlats kränkande och att allt för stor vikt läggs vid hennes beteende. I denna avhandling analyseras lagstiftarens avvägningar i samband med de straffrättsliga definitionerna, samt domstolarnas prövningar i dessa mål. Gällande lagstiftning på området sätter förövarens våld eller motsvarande beteende i fokus. Författaren argumenterar för att det trots detta är offrets viljeuttryck som är det centrala, i rättstillämpningen så väl som i de straffrättsliga texter som definierar sexuella övergrepp. En fråga som i grunden gäller hans våld görs om till ett problem om hennes vilja. Om inte offret själv sätter gränsen för övergrepp genom motstånd eller andra protester blir det legitimt att angripa hennes kropp. Detta får till följd att offrets kropp framstår som öppen och gränslös samtidigt som sexualiteten framställs som tillgänglig och passiv. I ett straffrättsligt sammanhang förknippas alltså offret för sexuella övergrepp tydligt med en patriarkal föreställning om det kvinnliga.

Jonas Grimheden
Themis v. Xiezhi:
Assessing Judicial Independence in the People's Republic of China under International Human Rights Law
Datum för disputation: måndagen den 17 maj 2004
Fakultetsopponent: professor Chen Jianfu, Melbourne universitet, Australien
Ämne: mänskliga rättigheter
The first of three parts in this study elaborates on international human rights law and drawing on the most essential international instruments and jurisprudence, the criteria constituting judicial independence are distilled as a framework for assessment. The point of departure is that judicial independence is a necessary guarantee for the enjoyment of human rights rather than a privilege of judges. The criteria necessary for this independence are presented in a chart format, which groups the criteria into three strands: independence, impartiality, and public confidence. Independence is concerned with insulating the judiciary from pressures, while impartiality deals in particular with judges’ unbiased consideration of cases. Public confidence includes aspects such as transparency and representativity that are designed to strengthen public trust in the judiciary and its independence. These charts and strands are the basis for the subsequent assessment of judicial independence in China. The second part commences with a discussion on comparative law. Firstly, a method of analogy as a tool for a profound understanding of foreign legal institutions and functions is elaborated upon. Secondly, based on modern research findings, previous misunderstandings of the legal history in China are discarded. In particular the existence and development as well as the application of law and legal procedures are explored. Fundamentally, and contrary to common perceptions, even judicial independence was part of the Chinese history although, of course, not as defined in international human rights law. The third part considers the judiciary in China and assesses its independence. First the modern history is described with its many foreign influences and state of flux. Second, the contemporary structure and legal framework pertaining to the independence of the judiciary are laid out. Challenges to independence are analyzed with particular reference to the reform process under way. Based on the three strands developed in the first part, formal guarantees for judicial independence in various Chinese legal texts show the lack of guarantees for the independence and public confidence strands in particular, but also to a lesser extent the impartiality strand. However, the guarantees are developing in line with international requirements; this is also the case for the actual practice.

Christoffer Wong
Criminal Act, Criminal Jurisdiction and Criminal Justice
Datum för disputation: måndagen den 17 maj 2004
Fakultetsopponent: professor Nils Jareborg, Uppsala universitet, Sverige
Ämne: straffrätt
Avhandlingen undersöker vissa allmänna och särskilda problem beträffande straffsystemens roll, funktioner och struktur. Efter en inledande presentation av de ideologiska och metodologiska frågorna diskuteras hur olika folkrättsliga och nationalrättsliga jurisdiktionsprinciper kan rättfärdigas. Rekvisiten i en brottsdefinition analyseras sedan, med tyngdpunkten på det territoriella elementet i definitionen. Eftersom gärningsorten ofta är avgörande för jurisdiktion undersöks mer utförligt frågan om brottet lokalisering. Avhandlingen argumenterar för tesen att lokaliseringen bör utgå från de kroppsrörelser, vilka är förenade med gärningsmannens handling. Särskilda problem beträffande underlåtenhet diskuteras. Detta innebär att tillämpningsområdet för den territoriella jurisdiktionen blir mindre än om lokaliseringen skulle ske med utgångspunkt från även andra aspekter, exempelvis orten där brottets effekter inträffar. Denna minskning kan emellertid kompenseras genom bruket av andra former av jurisdiktion. Avhandlingen förklarar sedan hur rättvisa kan skipas, internationellt sett, utan att en stat utövar sin egen jurisdiktion. Olika former av straffrättsligt samarbete – i stället för utövande av jurisdiktion – kan möjliggöra en rättvis fördelning av internationell rättskipning, vilket också är förenligt med synen att rättskipningen bör förklaras som en kommunikativ process av gemensamma värderingar, mellan den tilltalade i ett brottmål och domstolsstaten.
In English
This book presents a study on general and specific problems concerning the role, functions and structure of criminal justice systems. After a presentation of some ideological and methodological issues, the justifications for different principles of criminal jurisdiction are discussed, both in the perspective of public international law and municipal law. The constituent elements of criminal offences are then analysed, with special focus on the territorial element in offence definitions. As the venue of a crime is often crucial in the determination of jurisdiction, a deeper investigation is carried out into the question of localization of criminal acts. It is the conclusion of the dissertation that acts should, at least for the purpose of criminal jurisdiction, be localized by reference to bodily movements of the perpetrator of a crime—the ‘act-is-movement thesis’. Special problems concerning offences of omission are then solved. This rejects thus other methods of localization that are sometimes used by the courts, such as localization by reference to the place where the result of a crime occurs. One implication of the act-is-movement thesis is that the scope of territorial jurisdiction will diminish. It is argued, however, that this diminution can, in the perspective of doing criminal justice within one State, be compensated by other forms of jurisdiction. The book concludes with discussions on the distribution of justice in an international perspective. It is argued that a State may not need to exercise its own jurisdiction if the goal of criminal justice is to see that justice be done, somewhere. On the contrary, the propriety in the exercise of jurisdiction must be explained in terms of the communication based on a shared understanding of community values between the offender and the State exercising criminal jurisdiction.