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Porträtt på Vladislava Stoyanova. Photo.

Vladislava Stoyanova


Porträtt på Vladislava Stoyanova. Photo.

Hur gemensamma är de gemensamma EU-reglerna? : Svensk asylrätt i europeiskt perspektiv

How common are the common EU standards? Swedish asylum legislation from a European perspective


  • Vladislava Stoyanova
  • Eleni Karageorgiou

Summary, in English

Every EU country must adapt its national regulations to the common EU and ECHR standards. There is, however, a certain discretion to apply the EU standards into national legislation. For those in need of protection, is Sweden more or less generous in comparison to the EU’s minimum rules?

This study examines Swedish asylum legislation from a European perspective. Although EU Member States are bound by common rules and standards for the protection and reception of asylum seekers, States might differ in the interpretation and implementation of the common rules. The report focuses on the grounds for protection, residence permits and family reunification and analyses the way in which Sweden and other Member States have used the discretion allowed by EU law and the European Convention on Human Rights. The study seeks to offer a solid and up-to-date account on Swedish legislation on asylum and contribute to the debate on how the future of Swedish migration policy could be redesigned to align with international standards.


  • Mänskliga rättigheter
  • Folkrätt
  • Juridiska institutionen
  • Migrationsrätt
  • Rätt och utsatthet








Delmi Swedish Delegation for Migration Research


  • Law


  • Asylum
  • Migration
  • Family
  • Residence permit
  • EU law
  • Human rights
  • Asyl
  • MIgration
  • Familj
  • Uppehållstillstånd
  • EU-rätt
  • Mänskliga rättigheter




  • Human Rights Law
  • Public International Law
  • Migration Law
  • Law and Vulnerabilities